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Alicia Marie York

 Channel  ~  Guide  ~  Mentor 

This is the call ...
To make peace with and transmute the lessons of not only our own lives and relationships,
but also those of our ancestors both future, past and present.


Challenges show up in our own lives and in our common humanity so we can learn from them. By facing the challenges we find the resolve to make peace with and transmute our karmic lessons. We do this not by trying to escape negative feelings, but by getting curious about what lies beneath them. If we don't learn to see ourselves as we truly are and take responsibility for our own shadow and the choices we make, we'll continue to be bound by our blind spots, living in our unconsciousness.

   My work is an ever-evolving journey. I come to you as a steward of spirit, as a guide, and perhaps a mirror of your own deepest knowing. I believe that what lives within, lives without. This work is an exploration of the self and the myriad layers of our consciousness. I am here to serve as a reflection.

We all have moments in our life when the path ahead becomes clouded by fear, sadness, anger, or confusion. This causes us to disassociate, and frequently, multiple disassociations become fragments. These fragments of our self take on"masks," or personalities of their own. They live in the shadows of our subconsciousness breeding blind spots and insecurities.

When our inner world and outer world are harmonious, we can make clear decisions and we can hear when Spirit speaks to us. Synchronicity becomes our friend, and we are connected to our intuition. 

Learning to Listen

The wheel of Samsara, is in essence, best described by our misguided belief that what we are running towards will save us from that which we are running from. It is through the evolution of our inner awareness and deep self-inquiry that we can illuminate and liberate the repetitive patterns of our past conditioning. When we look upon our judgments as protectors, and our faults as our seeds to grow, awareness shifts. This shift in awareness helps us to meet our challenges and our fears with a deeper sense of grace. This Grace allows us to meet ourselves in a profoundly honest, new way. We realize that, all along, the monsters under the bed were really angels in disguise.

Home: Service

Private Sessions

One-on-one Guidance and Intuitive Counseling


As an intuitive and a seer, I help people navigate through troubling times and life's crucibles. I believe that these crucibles that life presents us with are the catalysts of awakening. 
We can no longer go on as victims to our circumstances. Karma is not what happens to us, it's who we become in the wake of it happening. Personal responsibility is everything. There is power in taking action, not as a defense, but as a proclamation of our own deep knowledge of the path ahead.


There comes a time in each of our lives when we are called into what the mystics call the dark night of the soul. This journey varies greatly from person to person. It is both reflective of the lessons your particular soul has set out to learn, and how you fit into what the greater web of what humanity is transmuting in your lifetime. 


In our sessions we explore the terrain of your unconscious and conscious beliefs, habits, patterns, and impulses. This is a journey to understand what they have to teach you,  so you can stop unconsciously recreating these unresolved patterns and hoping for the desired outcome.


During this process, we weave the threads of these fractures or traumas back into a beautiful tapestry of wholeness.  


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"Alicia Marie is one of the rare people I know who has a clear and direct channel to Spirit. 

Her intuition is downright powerful and she can see through situations and complex emotions and always find the tangled thread that needs unraveling. 

Patiently, gracefully, with gentle kindness she will lead you through a needed process of self reflection, so that clarity is achieved! Then she will guide you through the sequential steps of action required to integrate your newfound clarity into the fabric of life!

As a holistic practitioner and student of Shipibo shamanic lineage, I have done a lot of work and coached a lot of people, but when I am the one who needs help, I go to Alicia! I am beyond grateful to have her in my life and I am grateful for the gifts she so generously shares with the world!"

Vivica Menegaz / Nutritionist and Healer / Ojai Ca

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"Alicia truly has a gift to teach and to guide. She has taught me how to go inward, how to meet my guides, and how to listen to and follow my intuition. How to find what is in there. I would recommend her work for anyone on a spiritual path. Beginner or experienced, I am sure that you will find the work and the sacred space created a benefit to your life and path."

Jarred Brown / Cowboy and Explorer / Nashville TN

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"Alicia helped me reclaim parts of myself I didn’t even realize I had lost connection with, especially my intuition. My sessions with her have been far more impactful than traditional therapy because of her incredible gift of intuition. Alicia was able to sense and gently guide my attention to the areas within myself that required forgiveness and acceptance.  Alicia’s capacity for deep compassion offered me a much needed safe space to explore myself. If you are considering working with Alicia please say YES to yourself and make the investment in your healing, you will not regret it. "

Genaye Ladousier / Social worker/ Cleveland Ohio

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“I’ve been pursuing therapy for the better part of a decade, and hands down have gotten so much more out of my intuitive counseling sessions with Alicia, than with any other talk/energy therapy I’ve sought out. Her ability to cut to the root of the issue, has been so effective and efficient in my personal growth journey. I honestly feel we make more progress in a single session than I did previously with multiple conventional therapy sessions. The resources and guidance she gives has been an integral part of my coming back to myself and working through past traumas.”

Jesse Watts / Recording Studio / Nashville TN

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